It is very likely that each of us will need to be seen in the ER at some time or another. It can be an overwhelming experience but if you and your aging relative have taken the time to be prepared things can go as smoothly as possible. Some things you may set up for emergencies include beyond your identification and personal information include the following:
· A complete list of all medications you (and your loved one) take. This needs to include medications prescribed by the doctor, over the counter medications and any herbal remedies. This needs to include the amount of each medication and how often each medication is taken. Include a list of allergies with your medications.
· A list of your doctors that includes first and last names, telephone numbers and specialties.
· A list of chronic health conditions and at least a brief medical and surgical history.
· The name and contact information of your Medical Power of Attorney
· Your health care insurance name and identification numbers. This will be on your insurance card and contact information will be on the card as well.
· The name and contact information of your religious or spiritual leader if that is important to you.
The reason to keep this information together is to allow you to focus on the emergency that caused you to come to the ER and not need to remember details that are important but hard to recall. This information can be written on a paper and kept in your wallet (and the wallet of your Medical Power of Attorney) or stored on line by a Medic Alert company and made available by information on a Medic Alert bracelet or necklace.
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