Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Medication Safety for the Aging

The older we get the more likely we are to need some sort of medication on a regular basis. I have talked about storing medications safely but there is so much more to keep in mind. You may have heard it before but it bears repeating; store medications in the containers in which they come. These containers will be labeled with the name of the medication, the strength of the pills (milligrams) and how often it is to be taken. There may also be additional important information. It is perfectly fine to set out a weeks worth of pills in a pill case that is labeled for the day of the week and possibly the time of day that the medications are to be taken. If you are traveling, be sure that you have a list of the medications you are taking and if any of them are narcotics, keep them in the original prescription bottle.
Be sure that you understand why your physician wants you to take each medication, how you are to take the medication and what side effects can be expected. You may need to take a medication with or without food, avoid certain foods while taking the medication or you may need a certain amount of fluid with each pill. You may also need to sit upright for at least an hour after taking the medication. Side effects may need to be reported right away or only when you next see the doctor. You should also know any symptoms that would require a trip to the Emergency Room due to an allergic reaction. Never hesitate to ask for clear instructions and plenty of time to ask questions.

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