Sunday, July 17, 2011

More regarding KS and her saga

KS has made the decision to move to an Assisted Living facility. Now the real fun begins. Because of the unsanitary situation in her home, she will not be bringing any clothing from home to the facility. We will be taking her to purchase all new clothing as well as the furniture pieces she will be using in the facility. All of us helping her have other work obligations and she has been taking up huge amounts of time. With any luck KS will be in the facility by the end of the week and we can scale back how much time we spend. There will be more to be done but the urgency will recede.
This is the kind of situation you may find facing you as someone suddenly needs much more time and attention. Personal relationships may be stressed while you deal with the crisis and you need to keep an eye on maintaining these as well as they need to give you the flexibility to deal with a short term situation.
An additional side to this whole situation is that KS has the resources to "go first class" and working out how to pay for things is not a pressing issue. We will be looking for sale items and ways to conserve money but she will be able to buy with an eye to value for price more so than price alone.

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