Pets are an important part of the lives of many people. I grew up with a dog in the house. (Yes, a dog. He was 18 when he died) and most of my friends had dogs or cats as well. Animals are a part of the family and a source of comfort to most of us as we begin to find our friends and families becoming more distant for a wide variety of reasons. Our pets love us back without reservations and they keep us active as we care for them. This is especially true with dogs as they need to be taken for walks which benefit us as much as it does them.
As our loved ones age, they may find that it is more difficult to care for their beloved pets. It is in the best interest of everyone to do what can be done to help them to continue to provide for pets that are like additional children. If your parents need to move into a facility to obtain regular care but cannot take the dog or the cat, it is only right that you do what you can to see that their beloved companion has a good home. That may be with you or may be with a good home elsewhere if you cannot take them in.
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